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Attention with pedestrians

In our country the 45% of people who die in traffic accidents are pedestrians

    In our country the 45% of people who die in traffic accidents are pedestrians.

It's very important for their safety that pedestrian always follow this simples advices:

· Always use the pedestrian crossing. With this you will reduce in more than a 50% the risk to be knocked down.

· In the pedestrian crossing, always walk through the area furthest from the direction of vehicles; this is where fewer accidents occur.

· Cross the streets by the shortest route, always in a straight line, never diagonally.
· Pay close attention to the exits of the garages. It is especially dangerous zone for pedestrians.

· Be careful with long vehicles when they turn (buses, trucks, etc); the rear wheels are closed with respect to the front and it's easy to suffer a knocking down.
· Always cross behind the bus, never in front of it. With this you will be able to see and be seen by vehicles travelling.

· When the traffic lights for pedestrians turn green, always look and wait a few seconds before crossing.

· If some vehicle appears unexpectedly while your are crossing a street, stop without hesitation and wait for it to go.

· Try to cross the street in lit up area at night. Like this you will be able to be seen by the vehicles which are being driven.

· Help people with reduced mobility and prevent children, your advice may save a life.

Date last modified: March 13, 2023